Webinar: Hydroponics for the Cafeteria

When:  Mar 6, 2024 from 02:00:00 PM to 03:00:00 PM (ET)

This webinar is hosted by Massachusetts Farm to School.

Danielle SpragueFood Service Manager, Dr. Franklin Perkins School
Sam Malesa, Director of Partnership Development, Fork Farms

Curious about growing and serving hydroponic produce in your school cafeteria?  In this workshop, participants will understand how hydroponics can be used in the School Cafeteria to grow food and engage students. You will learn the whole process from assembly to seed planting to cultivating your crop to the program maintenance involved with a Flex Farm. Discover how to raise, harvest, and serve hydroponics all in the same space. Now that’s a commitment to local food!

Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_TP8aHIaGQ7aNt7bSA2TiJQ