Sharing the recording and resources from last week's Community Chat! This Chat was fantastic (huge thanks to our topic specialists and everyone on the call!) and I highly recommend watching the recording (attached to this post) if this is a topic you're interested in.
Contact info for topic specialists if you'd like to connect:
Resources from the Chat:
Recording Time Stamps:
10:50 - Why is it important to evaluate your garden program?
19:25 - Tips for grant reporting and general reporting out on impact
30:20 - Focusing on the "what" instead of the "why"
41:10 - Tips for doing evaluation with young kids
45:15 - Tips for the methods you choose to use for assessment
56:35 - Ideas for sharing out impact
Amelia Dupuis
Kids Garden Community Manager
Original Message:
Sent: 03-19-2024 10:06:23 AM
From: Amelia Dupuis (she/her)
Subject: Community Chat 3/20 on Impact and Evaluation
Hi all! Hoping to see many of you at tomorrow's Community Chat (3/20 at 3PM ET) on impact and evaluation!
We can chat about why garden evaluation is important, tools and methods to measure impact, what to do with your data, and anything else you'd like to discuss. From those new to gardening to seasoned educators, everyone is welcome!
We have some great topic specialists on board to help share resources and answer questions. And, if you can't make it, feel free to register and ask any questions in the registration or here in this thread. The recording and resources will also be shared here.
Amelia Dupuis
Kids Garden Community Manager