Community Chats

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Whether you're new to gardening or a seasoned educator, you don't have to take on the challenges of gardening with kids alone. Community Chats are the perfect place to build connections with a community to share, inspire, and support you!

Join these hour-long live Zoom sessions to chat with Kids Garden Community members and topic specialists. 

  • Each Chat will focus on a broad theme with educators and practitioners available to answer your questions. We'll have topic specialists available to answer questions but all attendees are encouraged to share their ideas!

  • Think of these as “office hours” — join for the entire session to listen and learn or hop on at your convenience to ask a question.

Upcoming Community Chats

More Community Chats will be announced soon! Check out previous Chats and resources below.

View Past Community Chats

Discussion threads for each Chat include a link to the recording and a list of resources that were shared. If you'd like to connect with anyone from a Chat, look them up in the member directory, send us an email (, or reply to the discussion thread.


May 21, 2024

A few things we talked about: troubleshooting drip irrigation, setting up rain barrels, watering with timers, funding irrigation, and more!

View the recording and resources


June 17, 2024

A few things we talked about: different composting methods and systems, funding options, vermicomposting, and more!

View the recording and resources

Garden Design

April 23, 2024

A few things we talked about: accessible garden design, engaging elements, involving kids in garden design, creating learning spaces, and more!

View the recording and resources

Impact and Evaluation

March 20, 2024

A few things we talked about: methods for evaluation with different age groups, tips for sharing out impact and reporting, why evaluation is important, and more!

View the recording and resources

Plan Your Program!

February 21, 2024

A few things we talked about: planting guides, involving parents, youth ownership, ideas for short growing or program seasons, and more!

View the recording and resources

2024 Events and More!

January 17, 2024

A few things we talked about: events and conferences happening in 2024 (and recurring annually)!

View the recording and resources

Inclusive Holiday Celebrations

November 14, 2023

A few things we talked about: inclusive framing, Thanksgiving-specific ideas, celebrating holiday themes, plant connections, harvest traditions, and more!

View the recording and resources

Youth Garden Advocacy

October 17, 2023

A few things we talked about: advocating for sustainable funding, integrating gardens into school curriculum and budgets, ideas for empowering youth, tips for approaching legislators, and more!

View the recording and resources


September 19, 2023

A few things we talked about: how to get started with hydroponics, recommended systems, nutrient needs, maintenance for systems, and more!

View the recording and resources

Starting a Youth Garden

August 15, 2023

A few things we talked about: who to involve in planning, tips for reviving a program, connecting with community partners, and more!

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Beneficial Bugs!

June 20, 2023

A few things we talked about: addressing "bug-phobia", bug-related activities, attracting bugs to your garden, and more!

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Summer Garden Programming

May 23, 2023

A few things we talked about: formats and structure for summer programming, embracing challenging summer weather, activities for all ages, and more!

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Growing Together!

April 18, 2023

A few things we talked about: connecting with organizations in your community, getting volunteers, involving kids and adults of multiple ages, and more!

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Social and Emotional Learning in Youth Gardens

March 21, 2023

A few things we talked about: SEL activities, building kids' social skills, gardens as places of therapy, and more!

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Curricular Connections in School Gardens

February 21, 2023

A few things we talked about: addressing teacher hesitations, sources for lessons and activities, getting started with curricular connections, and more!

View the recording and resources

Literacy in the Garden!

January 24, 2023

A few things we talked about: ideas for connecting books to gardens, writing and vocabulary activities in the garden, involving all ages/grades and more!

View the recording and resources

Winter Gardening with Kids

November 16, 2022

A few things we talked about: tips for greenhouses and hydroponics, winter growing and season extension, keeping kids engaged outdoors and more!

View the recording and resources


October 26, 2022

A few things we talked about: choosing between different composting systems, vermicomposting, easy activities, funding for composting, and more!

View the recording and resources

Virtual Meetup: Non-school Youth Garden Programs 

September 28, 2022

We talked about challenges for these programs, ideas for successful programming ideas, creating curriculum, and some big questions!

View the recording and resources

Fundraising for Youth Gardening 

August 24, 2022

A few things we talked about: sponsorships, short and long term volunteers, fundraiser ideas, creative sources of funds and materials, and more!

View the recording and resources


June 22, 2022

A few things we talked about: objectives of pollinator gardens, pollinator-friendly planting, addressing bug-phobia, pollinator activities for kids, and more!

View the recording and resources

Summer Garden Maintenance 

May 18, 2022

A few things we talked about: who is responsible for summer maintenance, weed control, efficient watering tips, involving youth during the summer, low maintenance crops and more!

View the recording and resources

Planting Considerations for Youth Gardens 

February 16, 2022

A few things we talked about: extension agents, planting dates, planting wildflowers, tips for seed spacing with kids, soil health, and more!

View the recording and resources

Garden Layout 

January 12, 2022

A few things we talked about: accessible gardening, creating an outdoor learning space, options for shade, sourcing materials, and more!

View the recording and resources

Fundraising for Youth Gardening 

December 8, 2021

A few things we talked about: funding personnel, tips for getting started with fundraising, securing local donations, crowdfunding, funding non-school garden programs, and more!

View the recording and resources

Creating a Learning Garden 

October 6, 2021

A few things we talked about: cultivating buy-in, easy introductory activities, engaging students during cold winter months, tips for getting started with a greenhouse, creating gardens for kids of all abilities and more!

View the recording and resources