For folks interested in this topic, The Edible Schoolyard Project is hosting two free webinars related to integrating NGSS and Common Core standards!
Integrating NGSS Academic Standards
Date: January 23, 2025 from 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm PT over Zoom
Integrating Common Core Academic Standards
Date: February 12, 2025 from 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm PT over Zoom
Here's the link to learn more and sign up:
Amelia Dupuis
Kids Garden Community Manager
Original Message:
Sent: 09-24-2024 12:07:42 PM
From: Amelia Dupuis (she/her)
Subject: Community Chat Recording and Resources: Curricular Connections and NGSS 9/17/24
Hi! You all knocked it out of the park again last week with a fantastic Community Chat on Curricular Connections and NGSS in the garden! I'm attaching the recording and adding some of resources and ideas below that were brought up during the Chat or after.
I also want to encourage folks to keep the convo going and chime in on this thread from Alicia asking for examples of topics you're using throughout the year.
Additional resources
Sample list of K-8 NGSS that align with the garden (from Life Lab)
Finding and Sequencing Lessons (great ideas from the SGSO Network)
Webinar Recording: Next Gen Science in the Garden (presented by Life Lab)
Webinar Recording: Exploring Math in the Garden
Upcoming Webinar: Teaching Social Studies in the Garden with the C3 Framework
Upcoming Webinar: Gathering STEAM: Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math Projects for the Garden
Ideas for an "Anytime Bin" (materials to have close to the garden for teachers to use): clipboards, pencils, trowels, magnifying glasses, wooden popsicle sticks, rulers, tweezers, a wagon
Time Stamps
8:30 - The importance of curricular connections and how to increase teacher engagement
18:35 - Examples of how to connect curriculum in the garden
27:10 - Tips for connecting physical/earth science NGSS to gardening
36:05 - What to do when timing of garden phenomena and sequence of standards do not match up
44:15 - Tips for increasing garden engagement when you're not there
Amelia Dupuis
Kids Garden Community Manager