After the garden got started, we began to reach out to the community for support. Kiwanis, Scouts, Americorp, Church groups and parents have helped build a compost bin, raised garden beds, a portable sink, benches, garden pathways and a greenhouse. The local grocery store provides schools with store gift cards and a set of lessons on the vegetable/fruit of the month.
In Sacramento, we are lucky to have lots of resources for field trips and guest speakers. Field trips include local farms, fish hatchery, nature centers by a river and by wetlands, UC Davis (30 minute drive) farm, arboreum, entomology museum, raptor center and pollinator garden, and Sacramento State University green houses. Guest speakers come from the dairy council, the nature center and the wetlands center (run by Fish and Wildlife) and a recycling center.
Evelyn Margolin
Original Message:
Sent: 04-11-2023 10:56:32 AM
From: Amelia Dupuis
Subject: How does your community support your garden?
Week 2 of our Kids Garden Month "Let's Grow Together!" discussions!
Last week you shared all the ways your garden supports your community.
This week's topic: How does the community support your garden or garden program? Do you have community volunteers? Did the community help build your garden? Do you have guest speakers or go on field trips? Let us know!
Each Tuesday, we'll start a thread related to the Kids Garden Month theme and anyone who responds is entered into a drawing to win a $50 gift card to Gardener's Supply Company! Preview the questions for the next few weeks and check out the kids contest here.
Amelia Dupuis
Kids Garden Community Manager