This is our first year having a garden. We decided to plant vegetables that are easy to grow and that have noticeable changes, such as tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, and carrots. We are planning activities for the children to do in the garden such as using elements of the garden to create art with, such as soil painting or chlorophyll paintings. We are planning activities such as Garden Bingo and Garden Scavenger Hunts. I believe once we've established our garden, in the years to come, we will include children building and creating art for the garden. I would love to add birdhouses, painted rocks, and bee hotels!
Cassandra Treese
Selinsgrove PA
Original Message:
Sent: 04-25-2023 03:27:00 PM
From: Amelia Dupuis
Subject: How does your garden celebrate your community?
Fourth and final week of our Kids Garden Month "Let's Grow Together" discussions!!!
This week's question for everyone: How does your garden or garden program celebrate your community? Do you grow culturally-relevant foods? Do you host events in your garden? Are there any art features? What else???
Anyone who responds is entered into a drawing to win a $50 gift card to Gardener's Supply Company!
If you missed the last three weeks, check out all the ways youth gardens are supporting communities, communities are supporting youth gardens, and kids are connecting through gardening.
Amelia Dupuis
Kids Garden Community Manager