Growing Together: Open Forum

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  • 1.  School Garden month in April

    Posted 18 days ago

    In preparation for school garden month in April, the Kentucky Farm to School Network is looking for ideas to observe/celebrate school gardens in two ways:

    1. a statewide recognition/observation /activity


    2. activity ideas to share for individual schools/districts to implement

    Does anyone have past school garden month activities you could share? or plans for this year?

    a person wearing a rainbow veggie dress is standing at a table displaying materials for the Kentucky farm to school network

    Laurie White
    Kentucky Farm to School Network


  • 2.  RE: School Garden month in April

    Posted yesterday

    Create a friendly competition where schools across Kentucky participate in challenges such as:
    Largest harvest of a particular vegetable.
    Most creative garden design.
    Best pollinator-friendly garden.

    Kalie J
    Fostering Hope Ohio