I had a blast at this meetup yesterday and am so glad I got to meet so many of you and hear about your programs! The recording is attached and below are a few of the links and resources that were shared.
Take a look at the
Jamboard and feel free to continue adding to it (or modifying any of the ideas I jotted down from the conversation and Zoom chat).
I feel like we barely scratched the surface during this hour and there was still so much we could talk about and questions that were not answered! I'd love to know if this meetup format is something folks would like to continue doing. If you have questions that were not answered, please start a discussion thread in this forum!
Huge thanks to everyone who joined!
@Kayla Laine @Karen Stuppi @Sarah Lane (she/her) @Lynne Proskow @Shirley Nagg (she/her) @Noel Nicholas (She/Her/Hers) @Rose Schneider @Denise Mo @Erica Erdman @Chelsea Pickslay @Stephanie Kelley @Bibi Calderaro @Arlene Boyer @Carla Thomas @Deanna Chandra @Akil Rahim @Tess Keener @Barb McCullough-Jones @Patrice Porter @Roslyn Goodman @Ce Holnes Ashley Cano
Amelia Dupuis
Kids Garden Community Manager
Original Message:
Sent: 09-26-2022 09:33:16 AM
From: Amelia Dupuis
Subject: Virtual meetup THIS WEEK for non-school garden programs plus our fall Community Chats
Hi all! Everyone gardening or wanting to start gardening with kids in a non-school setting (Boys and Girls Club, library, community center, etc.) is invited to attend a virtual meetup on 9/28 at 3 pm ET!
These programs can face a different set of challenges than school-based garden programs so we're hosting this virtual meetup so you can connect with other members working in these settings! Topics for discussion can include: a reflection on summer programming, challenges you're facing, favorite activities, garden programming for multiple age groups, and anything else you'd like to talk about.
Please add your ideas and questions to this Jamboard at any time, even if you can't attend the meetup!
Info and registration link are here.
We also have two other Community Chats planned for this fall: composting on October 26th and winter gardening on November 16th.
P.S. - Borrowing the Jamboard idea for this meetup from @SHEA SCRIBNER :)
Amelia Dupuis
Kids Garden Community Manager