Hi everyone,
KidsGardening's Youth Garden Grant is open!Since 1982, the grant has supported school and youth educational garden projects that enhance the quality of life for youth and their communities. The 2023 Youth Garden Grant is open until December 2, 2022.
This year programs can apply in either English or Spanish! To view this grant opportunity in English, visit our
English grant landing page.Tambien, este año, programas pueden aplicar en íngles or español! Para ver esta oportunidad de subvención en español, visite nuestra
página web en español.
In early 2023,
fifty organizations will be awarded
$500 in funding and a collection of gardening supplies for their youth garden program.
The gardening supply package includes ten wildflower seed packs, fifteen vegetable seed packs, ten pairs of youth gloves, one pruner, one looper, one Big Bag Bed, two packages of peat seedling trays, one plant support kit, one hose nozzle, one mushroom growing kit, two Tubtrugs, and two curriculum books.
In addition,
five programs will receive a Container Garden Specialty Award from our friends at Crescent Garden, and
five programs will receive a Vertical Garden Specialty Award from our friends at Garden Tower Project.
Learn more and apply. ------------------------------
Sarah Lane