NH Farm to School Provides support in the areas of local food procurement, school gardening, and farm partnerships for teachers, students, farmers, and food service workers
NH Audubon Offers educational programming, workshops, and field trips for schools and homeschools
ReTreeUS Provides garden implementation support and orchard plantings to schools
Grow Nashua Connects Nashua residents to community gardening opportunities, classes, free farm stands, educational resources, and more
Cornucopia Project Offers school garden programming for pre-k to 5th grade, cooking classes, internships, and summer programming on the educational farm
Upper Valley Farm to School Network Supports educators, farmers, and communities in the Upper Valley with networking and resources related to farm to school
UNH Extension Vast offering of resources and technical support for home, community, and school gardens; includes 4H programming and a large network of volunteers including Master Gardeners
NOFA NH Offers technical garden/farm support, event promotion, professional development, information on organic growing, and conferences
Prescott Farm Offers environmental education programming, camps, and field trips
NH Ag in the Classroom Provides learning materials, lesson plans, educator workshops, School-to-Farm days, in-class presentations, and consultations related to ag literacy for youth
Stonewall Farm Offers on-site and off-site farm based education programs to students from preschool to high school
NH Project Learning Tree Offers workshops and resources for educators teaching about nature and NH forests