Early childhood sites can foster strong family partnerships with farm to ECE activities. Family engagement is central to early care and education quality. When families are involved in education, children benefit, the program benefits, and families benefit. This resource from Rooted has ideas...
Slow Food USA, in partnership with Whole Kids Foundation, has developed a toolkit to help school district food services safely bring school garden produce onto the lunch line! #Guides #Activities #Toddler/Infant #Preschool/ECE #ElementarySchool #MiddleSchool #HighSchool ...
The Growing Minds Farm to Preschool Toolkit contains all of our farm to preschool resources, including lesson plans, “This Week in the Garden” activity guides, “Farm to School Goes Home” parent handouts, local food sourcing guidance, and tips for cooking and gardening with young children. It...
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The Scotts Miracle-Gro Foundation, National Head Start Association and KidsGardening have joined together for the Gro More Good National Head Start Garden Program Initiative to inspire and support the growth of garden programs in early childhood education settings, especially for one million at...
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