Project S.O.W. (Seeds of Wonder): Food Gardening with Justice in Mind, a food gardening curriculum for educators who work with young people ages 13-19, centering personal growth, community connection, and equity. In Project S.O.W., youth work together to investigate how to grow food, explore...
Looking for a nature based homeschooling curriculum that’s exciting, easy to use, and created by expert educators? How about monthly videos, activities, and live classes? The Home Garden Classroom: Kids and Adults Learning & Gardening Together is a fun “edutainment” subscription that's a...
To help grow a classroom of thriving students, the new Junior Master Gardener - Early Childhood Learn, Grow, Eat & Go curriculum combines rich plant/garden learning, food exposure, fun brain- & body-boosting physical activities, AND novel parent/school community engagement in a fun,...
Learn, Grow, Eat & GO! is a curricula of the International Junior Master Gardener program. Created by Extension faculty/staff, teachers, nutrition and gardening experts, this multifaceted evidenced-based curricula integrates gardening, nutrition, healthy eating and physical activity into an...
This K-5 curriculum from National Wildlife Federation was designed to engage students in learning about pollinator habitats, the connections between plants and animals, and our role in the environment. It is a placed-based curriculum which allows students to learn about biodiversity, ecosystems...
Shelburne Farms' Cultivating Joy and Wonder brings Education for Sustainability into your early childhood classroom through engaging activities, essays, and resources that encourage children to explore and engage in the world around them. Includes m ore than 75 “facilitated learning...
This free, downloadable curriculum provides high school students with a deep understanding of critical food system issues, empowers them to make healthy and responsible food choices, and encourages them to become advocates for food system change. #Curriculum #HighSchool #LessonPlans ...
Across the United States, a growing number of schools and educational programs are planting gardens, engaging in Farm to School activities, and integrating plant science into the curriculum. To support and expand these hands-on learning activities, schools are exploring ways to build new...
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Digging into Soil (available as a free download) includes 10 lessons written to help educators use a garden program to teach students about soil. The target audience for Digging into Soil is grades 9 -12 and the activities are linked to high school level Next Generation Science Standards. The...
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